Monday, September 10, 2007

Toadstool and house love

toadstools love, originally uploaded by Tuttebel.

Still dreaming about the wood house...

I have been making some embroidery lately, little houses with roots. Maybe I need more grounding in this time of my life?
The idea that houses have roots is something I want to figure out for myself. And I wonder in what way I will see rooted houses back in my artworks.
Making art is no straight line to me, I meander around.
If things really are important to my soul they come again and again in the curves of the river I'll follow.


ainesse said...

Interesting this work you are making at the moment. I also use the "house" meaning home, in my artwork a lot. If you are signed in to then you should be able to post a comment on my blog without any barriers.

I will wait and see how these develop. you just have to look around for the lights that work well in an installation work. Yes some obvious ones will look tacky. don't give up on this idea.

Karen Sanders said...

Hello Elisa,
I love your site and visit it frequently. I love the positive vibe off it all, it makes it just as special as the person who put it all together!
I wish you the best of luck with your house, maybe it will become your home...
A big hug to you and your loved ones!