Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Spring Fish review

Spring Fish review, originally uploaded by Tuttebel.

The show is over now. I had a great time, talking with Lisette and playing with Flip her dog. Lots of people came, and we got a lot of compliments for our work.
All the talking took a lot of energy from me, I'm not used to be surrounded by so much people.
And for now I'm really happy to have some time alone with my muse. The muse is amused by me, for good behaving. So now it's time for my private party at home with the muse, we will dance along Macy Gray's oblivion;
the next time you're alone
you can
create a world of your own
make it magic
give it love
make it all you're dreaming of
in my underwear
sometimes i visit there
ignorance is bliss
don't know nothing but this

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