Friday, November 14, 2008

Goddess mobile

Goddess mobile, originally uploaded by Tuttebel.

It's more crafts that I make these days. But I love to make my own designs, so the artist in me stays somewhat happy. In the mobile, the colors of the five pointed stars and the little goddesses represent the chakra's to me.

In my spiritual practice, I love to imagine myself surrounded with these colors.
Imagine myself floating in the air on a red cloud, in a red sphere. Feeling the energy of the hot red, on my skin, in my feelings, to become red. See what I can learn today from this color, what quality it can give me for my daily life. Feel in my body the place of the chakra, notice how my energy feels there.But mostly to be with the red color and enjoy.
Then I imagine the sphere to change into orange and so on.

May your colors never fade,
and have a lovely weekend.


Anonymous said...

hello deamer:
it's amazing,
i read your words,your
thinking,your feeling,the way you thought through my heart,i can totally felt in your way,that's just amazing.i love it!

nice day:)

from another deamer

Anonymous said...

red is my favourite color!

Anonymous said...

im sorry,if you don't mind..i'd love to tell you who i am.
i'm a 28 years old housewife live with my husband and two black young dogs in easten world.

Anonymous said...

What a spectacular mobile!

It once again reminded me of how much I love your work.



Elisa said...

Thanks for your nice comments Anonymous dreamer and Suus.
Suus, give Bjork a kiss from me :)