Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Autumn feelings

Michaelmas nature table, originally uploaded by Tuttebel.

It's raining a lot in Holland, Autumn time again.
My favorite time in the year, no more hot summer days;), walking in the colorful woods, candles burning in my home. Dressing with lots of layers of clothes, making pumpkin soup. Time for harvest and enjoy the fruits.

The Michaelmas nature table is from the Waldorf children daycare where I help out sometimes. I take care together with my friend and college Meike to 7-8 children. The lovely little ones are a few months old until 4 years old.

I love to work with my friend and the children in this really child friendly place, but I had some mixed feelings in the first few weeks.
Was this the first step of admitting that I terribly fail to be a proffesional artist?
I seem to have more fear than trust in me.

But as only 3% of Dutch proffesionel fine artist can make enough money to live with their art, it does not mean I'm a bad artist if I almost make no money with it.
O, confidence...

Tomorrow I just will work on my art, dare to fail and go on creating my colorful magical world.
Get inspiration from Michaels fight with the dragon, make some fun with my inner shadows and just love the day.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy the weather and the pumpkin soup! I love your creativity and just because you don't make a living off of it is not going to change that!

Anonymous said...

hey, i am an artist and work 28 hours. ARt isn't suppose to take up all your time .Enjoy your job and the pleausure you get from it . Later you'll put these feelings into art. GO with the flow