I like this image from my works on their way home. Looks like a real over the top, 'Kill your seventies-darlings' installation made in 80's ;-)
The idea of home is very important to me, in my heart and art.
The actual place where we live, the longing for places we've loved and the yearning of our souls for a true home.
True love is the only one who can make a true home to be our true souls.
Lot's of trues today :-)
I'm working on two dolls, 'strings of hope' , drawings, cutting photo's out of magazines, glue them in inspiration dummy's, sewing little things.
It's like cleaning my thoughts and feelings.
My way to change my perception.
The biggest task for me to do today, is to take Light in with every breath I take, and breath Love out.
Brightest Blessings, Elisa
Take the long way home - Supertramp