Thursday, March 22, 2007


my firts mosaic :-), originally uploaded by Tuttebel.

I like to feel as a beginner, in blog land, the art world and in life.
The beginning holds so much joy, hope and expectation.
It allows me to see the world with open eyes without prejudgement.
To take this open feeling home with me, in my underwater world, helps me to be creative.
Just try to be a beginner, it's fun!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring- clean

spring- clean, originally uploaded by Tuttebel.

First day of Spring.

The sunshine makes me want to clean all the cobwebs in my head.
Time for a walk in fresh air,
breathing in, breathing out.
The light in, love out.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bread and Roses

Roses from salt-dough, originally uploaded by Tuttebel.

Last night I was wandering in a world of thoughts.
Is it good to be an artist, dwell in my dreams of beauty ?
Wouldn't it be better to plant real trees in this world.
Am I worthy?
Thoughts went in circles, but at dawn I remembered a quote I've read on Thorn's great blog;

" Our lives shall not be sweated from birth until life closes,
hearts starve as well as bodies;
bread and roses, bread and roses."
- James Oppenheim.
( inspired by the women of the Lawrence strike of 1912.)

And then my peace came and I slept :-)

Thorn's blog;

Eye-leave plant

eye-leave plant, originally uploaded by Tuttebel.

This blogging-thing is about looking back at the world and the desire to be seen in the world. Its a small step for mankind, but a giants-step for me.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Spring Time is coming, and I start my fresh blog

My first weblog, and I feel really excited about it.
I feel like a little green sprout breaking from it's seed.
Its a very joyful feeling, and I wonder what kind of wonder will grow in this cyberspace.
If I can find some great compost to grow out in love and beauty.
May I find fresh air to have clear thoughts, fire to heat my spirit with passion, water to love my tides of emotions, earth to let my creativity grow in a strong tree. And some ether allow me to travel and transform my dreams between the worlds, into my artworks.
In a smiling circle of readers,
with perfect love and perfect trust,
Elisa Lataster